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人氣 :    發表時間 :2019-09-12 09:09:14

東莞市安卓光電科技有限公司 ,位於東莞市沙田鎮 ,是一家專業致力於為用戶提供中小功率激光加工解決方案的生產商 ,是以研發 、生產 、銷售激光設備及光 、機 、電一體化設備的現代化高科技企業 。公司依托珠三角發達的輕工機械及電子產品製造業優勢和出色的人才優勢 ,專心致力於高科技成果的轉化和激光產業的發展 ,本著“奉獻最好的產品 ,提供貼心的服務 ,實現合作雙方共贏”的經營理念 ,已為國內外多家知名企業提供完善的激光應用解決方案 。
安卓光電科技有限公司依據完善的質量控製係統 ,全係列常規機型均已獲得歐盟CE認證 。公司擁有嚴謹的QC團隊 ,在原材料檢驗 、配件製造 、裝配 、整機調試及包裝出貨等各個環節嚴格把關 ,確保所有產品的高品質和穩定性 ;同時強大的銷售服務團隊為您提供全麵的售前、售中 、售後服務及技術支持 ,讓您贏得效率 ,更贏得效益 。公司憑借著雄厚的技術實力 ,聚焦客戶需求 ,為客戶提供有競爭力的激光應用解決方案 ,持續為客戶創造最大價值 ,並始終堅持以“誠信為本 ,服務至上“為宗旨 、以追求創新與品質第一為原則,以市場需求為導向 ,不斷融入一流現代化企業的經營理念 ,以提供高端的產品和完善的服務來贏取客戶 ,精益求精 ,憑實力創造未來 。
  為您服務是HHpoker俱樂部的榮幸 ,有您的信賴和支持  ,HHpoker俱樂部會更加努力 ,一切隻為您提供更優質的產品和服務 !

Company Profile:
     Aotopto technology Co.,LTD. Located in Shatian, Dongguan, Guangdong Province in China. We are a professional manufacture that focuses on providing solutions for medium or low power laser processing for all users according to combining R&D, producing and sales in vertical integration in laser’ value chain. We’ve taken the most advantage of Pearl River Delta Region in talents, developed mechanical industry and electronics product manufacturing industry to promote our ability, which could promote our ability to high-tech transfering and marketing and then increase the competitive ability in laser industry. We devoted all our best to offer the best product and most comfortable serve to our consumer in order to corporate and win together. We’ve provide excellent solutions to our customers spreading in worldwide.
Aotopto company rely on the quality control system, the whole series of conventional models has obtained the European CE certification. The company has strict QC team in raw material inspection 、parts manufacturing  、assembly 、machine commissioning and packaging and so on each link strict control to ensure that all products has high quality and stability.     Also,the strong Sales&Service team can provide to you the pre-sale 、selling and after-sale service and technical support comprehensively, let you win the efficiency, and win your benefit more. Since the company has strong technical strength, focus on customer needs, to provide competitive laser application solutions, Continued to create maximum value for our customers, and always adhere to the faith-based and service oriented for the purpose,to the pursuit of innovation and best quality for principle, with the guide of market demand, continually fused into the first-class modern enterprise business philosophy ,and provide high-end products and perfect service to win customers, keep improving, create the future with strength.
 Our honored to serve for you, with your trust and support, we will be more efforts, All for you to provide better quality products and services!
   Aotopto company invite you to develop together.

企業文化Company  culture
誠信: 本著誠信贏得市場的原則 ,在產 、供 、銷各個環節始終堅持信譽至上 ,為客戶提供良心產品 。
務實: 求真務實 ,艱苦奮鬥 ,與時俱進 ,追求卓越 ,為客戶提供優質產品 。
安全: 堅持向每位客戶提供安全 ,優質 、完善 、卓越的激光應用解決方案和服務 ,為客戶提供放心產品 。
創新: 以高科技為依靠 ,以技術作支撐 ,緊跟科技前進的步伐 、迎合市場需求 ,並始終堅持探索新方向 ,研發新產品 ,創造新價值 ,為客戶提供一流產品 。
Based on the principle of integrity first and reputation first, we provide reliable product for every customer on manufacturing, supplying and saling.
We stick to result-orientation, hard working, keeping with times and striving for excellence in order to providing high quality product for every customer.
All products, solutions and services of laser application which we provide are safe and complete.
Relying on high-tech, we always catch up with advanced science and technology, meet market demands, explore new direction, develop new products and create new values in order to providing every customer with first-class products.

信譽至上 ,用戶第一;
質量保證 ,交期保障;
攜手發展, 互利共贏

Credit first, Customer first

Reliable product quality and delivery term

Mutual benefit and win-win result


決定產品價格的不是HHpoker俱樂部 ,是市場 !
決定產品價值的不是HHpoker俱樂部 ,是品質 !
但創造價值 、保證品質的是HHpoker俱樂部.
HHpoker俱樂部將無懼時間考驗 ,一如既往與您攜手共進 !
We believe:
Market determines price !
Quality determines value!
We provide value as well as we guarantee quality!
we will grow up with you and mutual benefit!

 《HHpoker俱樂部的口號》Our slogan
安然傾盡天下,卓越助力遠行 !
With further vision, more contribution and more cooperation,
We work out the way you’re looking for.

迎接激光科技新時代 ;
告別剪刀和鑽子 ;
切割 ,雕刻無所不能 ;
HHpoker俱樂部不生產激光 ,HHpoker俱樂部隻利用激光 ;
激光 ,讓切割更簡單 。
Welcome to the new world of laser technology
Say goodbye to scissors and drill
Excellent and omnipotent performance in cutting and engraving
Utilizing the laser , rather than producing it
Laser making cutting and engraving easier than befor

敬業是一個道德的範疇 ,是一個對自己所從事工作負責的態度 。道德是在不同的集體中 ,為了HHpoker俱樂部集體的利益而約定俗成的 ,應該做什麽和不應該做什麽的行業規範 。
所以敬業就是人們在集體的工作中 ,嚴格遵守職業道德的工作態度 。
認真的你我 ,總是在生活中隱隱發光 ;認真的態度 ,總讓工作的問題迎刃而解 ;
HHpoker俱樂部提倡實實在在做人 ,踏踏實實做事 ,並以此作為衡量人才品質的一個標準 。
嚴謹對工作如履薄冰 ,絕不心存僥幸 ;
對崗位任務注重細節 ,絕不粗枝大葉 ;
對工作標準嚴格遵循 ,絕不投機取巧 ;
對產品質量一絲不苟 ,絕不以次充好 、
奉獻是一種行動 ,也是一種信念 ,常懷奉獻之心的人真正懂得人生的快樂 ,心存奉獻之念的人真正懂得人生的真諦 ,而奉獻精神更是一種力量。

Our sprite
Dedication is a moral category, is engaged in one of their own work and responsible attitude, the moral is that people in different collective, for the benefit of our collective and common law, should do and should not do the industry norm.
So dedicated is that people in the collective work, strict adherence to ethical attitude.
Seriously you and me ,always in life the faint light; seriously, always make work solved the problem;
We advocate real life, working sense, and thus as a standard measure of the quality of personnel.
It is a rigorous work attitude, for safe production in perpetuity, not luck;
Attention to detail on the job tasks, not sloppy;
Follow strict standards for work, not opportunistic;
Meticulous product quality , never cold charged.
Giving is an action, is also a belief , Huaikang dedication of people who truly understand the heart of a happy life, the heart of the concept of the person pro dedication truly understand the meaning of life,
and dedication is a force.

在自動化激光設備領域 ,成為一家最專業的 客戶信賴的企業 。
Enterprise Vision:
To be one of the most professional  ,To be trusted by customers enterprise in Automatic laser equipment industry.

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